Jonathan Taylor's Agent is Feuding with Jim Irsay on Twitter

That tweet is from cool owner Jim Irsay of the Indianapolis Colts. Jim Irsay enjoys drugs, alcohol, and power lifting. 

Among other things, Jim Irsay also enjoys conducting a multi-billion dollar business on Twitter, and not paying running backs. We can assume this particular business tweet is in reference to Colts star running back Jonathan Taylor. Taylor is entering the final year of his rookie contract. A contract that in total will earn him over $7 million USD. $4.3 million of which will be made this season. 

Like every other running back who attended the Zoom call, Jonathan Taylor is interested in getting paid, and his respective owner is less than thrilled to do so. His agent, Malki Kawa, is also interested in getting Jonathan Taylor paid so he can cash in a cool 1.5% of however many millions his client ends up getting. Mr. Kawa is responding to Irsay on Twitter

Instead of copy and pasting what a million other people have already said about the NFL running back contract situation (they deserve to be paid more, they put their bodies through hell, but I understand where the owners are coming from because they don't really matter, etc.), I'm going to take a different approach. I worship at the church of Jim Irsay. Jim Irsay can do no wrong. So I'm going to defend him like an asshole. 

I don't know if you've heard, but he was able to land Criss Angel for an upcoming event at Lucas Oil Stadium.

Jim Irsay can't miss. Just another undeniable example of Jim having his finger on the pulse. He always makes the right move. I have no choice but to take his side.

Hey Jonathan Taylor's agent. Shut the hell up. You're selling bad faith. The owners and players have negotiated a CBA that took years of effort AND hard work AND compromise by both sides. Now you're saying you want another negotiation? That's inappropriate.

If you want your client to make more money, then tell him to run better. Financial fortunes are earned not given. Irsay didn't just fall ass backwards into a net worth of $3.9 billion. He had to stay alive for 38 whole years until his father died and passed on his enormous inheritance. Do you know how hard it is for a man with crippling alcoholism, along with a severe opiate and benzo addiction to stay alive for 38 years? Take the wrong combination of pills one time and you're a goner. But Jim Irsay persevered through it all, and claimed what was rightfully his.

I love you Jonathan Taylor. But you're not entitled to Jim's hard earned inheritance simply because you led the most profitable professional sports league in the world in one of the most crucial statistical categories while playing an extremely marketable and front-facing position.

Just kidding JT. I hope you get paid. Just buy Jim a scotch and compliment his car collection or whatever the fuck he's into nowadays. He'll come around. Also, I'm not sure if you know, but your agent is still tweeting. 

I don't know what that means for Taylors future with the Colts. Maybe it's nothing at all. But I'm starting to get worried there won't be one. Hopefully what they say about running backs not mattering is right, because we might not have one soon.

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